From the description of the past, we know there are three ways in determining entry and exit of the month of Ramadan, namely:
1. Ru'yatul Hilal (see moon),
2. Completing the count Sha'ban month to 30 days,
3. Ash-Shahadah (testimony of) people who have managed to see al-hilal, or news / announcement that al-hilal has successfully seen.
While the arithmetic falaki should not and can not be used as a backrest to determine entry or exit during Ramadan. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah states:
"No doubt based on the Sunnah (hadiths) of legitimate as well as the consensus of the companions that should not be leaned (entrance and exit of the month of Ramadhan) to the astronomical reckoning, as the hadith that has been valid from him (Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam) narrated in Ash-Shahihain (Al-Bukhari and Muslim), he said:
((إنا أمة أمية لا نكتب ولا نحسب, صوموا لرؤيته, وأفطروا لرؤيته))
"We are a people who ummiy, we can not write nor calculate. So you fasted on ru'yah (Al-Hilal), and eat according ru'yah (Al-Hilal). "
While people who rely on arithmetic in determining the Al-Hilal, so really he's like a heretic in this shari'ah and a mubtadi '(the originator of heresy) in this religion. He was wrong in the review of reason and arithmetic (astrology) itself. Because the real experts in the field of science known that ru'yah reckoning can not be determined with certainty based on arithmetic calculations. A maximum of arithmetic functions which they do when they want to know how many degrees between the new moon (the moon) and when the sun goes down. While ru'yah not be determined exactly with a certain degree, because ru'yah differ according to different levels of sharpness and flair view, and very dependent on high levels of performed ru'yah lace place against the moon from it. As is also highly dependent on the level difference and the least sunny weather.
Al-Hilal can be seen by some people at level 80 (eight degrees), while others are not able to see it even at level 120 (twelve degrees). On that basis the experts disagree arithmetic is not stabilized, and their leaders-such Bathlemous (بطليموس) - did not talk about the effect of different degrees, because the problem does not rely on certain provisions in the science of reckoning. Who spoke about it was their leaders who came later, such as Ad-Dealmi Kusyiar (كوشيار الديلمي) when they find Ash-Sharia (Islamic) law to hang (Ru'yah) Al-Hilal, then they ( arithmetic experts) see science as a way of reckoning the moon ru'yatul confirmed to him. Though this method is not the right way, not even an appropriate way, even many levels of fault, and it has been proven, the experts in that field too much at odds: if the moon-with a certain degree-visible or not?
The reason: because they are based on the arithmetic to make sure something while something can not be known / determined based on the science of reckoning. So with that they deviate from the right path.
I have explained these problems at length in the discussion other than in this place. and I explain that what has been determined by the shari'ah that this is true that in accordance with a clear mind, as well as I have explained about the limitations of the day that it can not be ascertained on the basis of arithmetic.
All members of the O `ah Kibaril 'Ulama' (House of Lords' Ulama) in Saudi Arabia have agreed on not relying on science bolehnya falaki reckoning in determining the beginning of the month. This is as stated in the decree Hai `ah Kibaril 'Ulama' number 2, which are determined by consensus' (consensus together), the following contents in brief assessments:
و أما ما يتعلق بإثبات الأهلة بالحساب فقد أجمع أعضاء الهيئة على عدم اعتباره, و بالله التوفيق. ه القرار
While the problems associated with the legal determination of the new moon in each month based on the arithmetic of ('ulama) O `ah Council members unanimously agreed that no bolehnya. ([2])
Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah provide a matching statement with the above fatwa, he said:
"Ash-shaum not become obligatory with under the provisions of reckoning (falaki) although arithmetic experts have determined that this evening is part of Ramadan when Muslims failed to see the Al-Hilal, it should not be bershaum. Because of shariah (Islamic) law linking fasting based on something that could be achieved by the human senses, that is based on ru'yatul moon. "([3])
So the people who rely on the reckoning falaki is one who has menyelisihi Al Haq and ash-Shariah Al-Islamiyyah. It is seen from several aspects:
1. Word of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala in Al-Qur `an: فمن شهد منكم الشهر فليصمه. البقرة: 185
Therefore anyone who witnessed the ash-shahr (hilal) of Ramadan then fasted. "[Al-Baqarah: 185].
In this verse Allah the legal linking fasting on Ash-ash-shahr ru'yah (Al-Hilal)
2. Saheeh hadeeth which describes the obligation of fasting on ru'yatul moon, are like the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah:
صوموا لرؤيته و أفطروا لرؤيته فإن غبي عليكم فأكملوا عدة شعبان ثلاثين [البخاري]
"Fast ru'yatul you based on the new moon and new moon days and feast on ru'yatul. If (new moon) is blocked (by cloudy) then genapkanlah numbers day to 30-day month Sha'ban. "[HR Al-Bukhari] ([4])
Likewise, hadith from Companions Ibn 'Umar radhiallahu' anhuma:
أن رسول الله r ذكر رمضان فقال: ((لا تصوموا حتى تروا الهلال, ولا تفطروا حتى تروه)) [متفق عليه]
That the Messenger of Allaah upon him blessings and talk about Ramadan, then he said: "Do not fast until you succeed in seeing the new moon, and let you break the fast (ber'Idul Fitr) until you managed to see the moon." [Agreed upon] [5])
Then if the difficulties in doing ru'yah, because blocked by clouds, then by way of perfecting number Sha'ban to 30 days, without having to menyelisihi Prophet r using falaki reckoning.
3. Scholarly consensus of the Companions, and the priests tabi'in Ahlus Sunnah after them.
4. Statement of astronomy experts themselves, that can not be fixed with ru'yah falaki reckoning because of the altitude difference calculation and many other differences.
5. The fact of differences among experts reckoning in determining the new moon and the height of rank to be seen.
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said in Fath v Bari a useful word when he explains the hadith no. 1913, the hadith of the Companions Ibn 'Umar c with the wording:
((إنا أمة أمية لا نكتب ولا نحسب, صوموا لرؤيته, وأفطروا لرؤيته))
"We are a people who ummiy, we can not write nor calculate. So you guys bepuasalah based ru'yah (Al-Hilal), and eat (enter '`Eid) based ru'yah (Al-Hilal)."
He said:
"I mean the word 'Al-Hisab' in this hadith is the science of astrology and its circulation reckoning, they (the Companions) used to not know about the science but a handful of people. So on that basis bershaum legal obligations and the other linked to the ru'yah (al-hilal) in order to negate the difficulty of their circulation in the use of arithmetic star. This law continues in the provision of ash-shaum even after they have emerged of people who know the science of astrology reckoning. Even the context of the above hadith shows absolute linkage legal disclaimer (shaum Ramadan) based on the science of reckoning. This is punctuated with the statement of the Prophet in the hadith above:
((فإن غم عليكم فأكملوا العدة ثلاثين))
"If obstructed (by clouds) then perfected numbers (Sha'ban) to thirty days"
It is not, he said: 'Ask you to scholars arithmetic'. The wisdom behind this command is with him all mukallaf calculation (the Muslims) in determining the number of days when the sky was overcast, so there goes the differences and disputes of them.
There is a party that has convinced the experts rely on arithmetic in this problem, they are the Rafidhah Shiite group, and included the approval of a small portion of their fiqh experts. Al-Imam al-Baji said: 'consensus (Consensus together) generation of as-Salih salafush is hujjah who denied them.' Al-Imam Ibn Bazizah said: 'This is the belief of falsehood, because the shariah (Islamic) has been banned for explore augury, because science is only a prejudice that there is no certainty to it ... '-so-Al-Hafiz
That's some information and fatwas some 'ulama ahlus Sunna in addressing arithmetic in association with the determination of entrance and exit of the month of Ramadan. Hope can serve as the foundation rests on this issue.
[1] Al-Fatawa XXV/207-208.
[2] Taudhihul Ahkam III/134-135.
[3] Ash-Syarhul Mumti 'vol 6 p. 314.
[4] Al-Bukhari (hadith no. 1909
[5] HR. Al-Bukhari no. 1906, Muslim, no. 1080.

Ramadan, Hilal, hilal, pada, ini, Islam, hari, mereka, telah, dari, moon, crescent, Muslim, Muslims, maka, moonsighting, Committee, sight, Islamic, Khalid Shaukat
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