Shaykh Salih bin Fauzan al-Fauzan asked: We bought the meat from the butcher, and we do not know if they perform the prayer or not. But we tend to think. They do not pray, because we do not see them in mosques adjacent to them, while we never asked them about people who do slaughter it, and they replied: "We are slaughtered." Can buy meat from them, after thinking that they do not pray? Give us a fatwa. May God give you a good reply.
Answers Meat sold in the markets of the Muslims from animals slaughtered in Islamic law for countries of origin is lawful, alhamdulillah. And do not need to be asked about it, as long is not clear or not proven that the meat came from slaughter inappropriate shari'ah.
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was asked about one of the newly converted to Islam, they brought the meat to the markets of the Muslims, and not known if they mention the name of God when slaughtering or not, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam gave an answer.
"It means: Let you read bismillah and eat" [Hadith Bukhari History 6 / 226 of Ayesha]
That is, reading basmalah when they wanted to eat. So the doubts that exist in the minds of the questioners do not have the opportunity to make the flesh-meat was forbidden, wallahu a'lam.
While the condition of the people in question are underestimated prayer congregation, not necessarily lead to the results of their sacrifices to be unlawful. Since leaving the prayer congregation, although it is an act of haram (sinful), but the act was not out of Islam, and the culprit is not considered an infidel.
Shaykh Salih bin Fauzan al-Fauzan asked: We bought the meat from the butcher, and we do not know if they perform the prayer or not. But we tend to think. They do not pray, because we do not see them in mosques adjacent to them, while we never asked them about people who do slaughter it, and they replied: "We are slaughtered." Can buy meat from them, after thinking that they do not pray? Give us a fatwa. May God give you a good reply.
Answers Meat sold in the markets of the Muslims from animals slaughtered in Islamic law for countries of origin is lawful, alhamdulillah. And do not need to be asked about it, as long is not clear or not proven that the meat came from slaughter inappropriate shari'ah.
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was asked about one of the newly converted to Islam, they brought the meat to the markets of the Muslims, and not known if they mention the name of God when slaughtering or not, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam gave an answer.
"It means: Let you read bismillah and eat" [Hadith Bukhari History 6 / 226 of Ayesha]
That is, reading basmalah when they wanted to eat. So the doubts that exist in the minds of the questioners do not have the opportunity to make the flesh-meat was forbidden, wallahu a'lam.
While the condition of the people in question are underestimated prayer congregation, not necessarily lead to the results of their sacrifices to be unlawful. Since leaving the prayer congregation, although it is an act of haram (sinful), but the act was not out of Islam, and the culprit is not considered an infidel.