Tuesday, July 1, 2003 - 0:09:33:: Fatwa-Fatwa category Author: Ustadz Abu Hamzah (Fatwa Shaykh Al Alban .::. He said: This case-according to our beliefs is the entrance into the generality-hadeeth "Stay away by you guys contemplates the new as each new case is heresy and every heresies are misguided", in another hadith "Every error in Hell". 

Many people have a certain stance in dealing with this, they say "What's wrong with kissing Manuscripts? Is not this just to show the attitude of encouraging and glorifying the Holy Qur'an? ", We say to them," You're right, no nothing but only a glorification of Al Qur'anul Karim, but consider, if the attitude of this exaltation of the generation of escape The first race, which they no other is the Companions of the Messenger as well and the tabi'ut tabi'in tabi'in afterwards? "No doubt the answer is like an answer Ulama Salaf," If the case is good, of course they will go before us him ". 

This is one problem, another problem is what the legal origin of smell anything, can or forbidden? Here we need to describe a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from the Friends of Abbas bin Rabi'a he said, "I saw Umar bin Khotob kissing the Black Stone and said, 'I know you are stone, not to give harm nor give manfa 'at, if not because I saw the Messenger of Allah kiss you I will not kiss you "." If so, why Umar kissed the Black Stone? "Whether because of philosophy that emerged from it?  
So the legal origin of this smell should go above the Sunnah that first. Zaid bin Thabit remember the attitude he has said, "How did you do something not done Prophet?". When asked of the kissed Manuscripts, "How did you do something not done Prophet?", He will direct a very strange answer, like "Hey brother what's wrong with this? It glorifies the Quran! ", Then say to him," O my brother, does not glorify the Prophet Quran? No doubt that he glorifies the Qur'an, however he did not kiss her. " 

I said, "There is no way to draw closer to Allah except with what he had judged, therefore we act in accordance with what was told to us of obedience and worship, not add even one word, because this is like the sayings of the Prophet , "No, I leave nothing that God has commanded you, unless I have commanded you with it". " 

Therefore, the smell Manuscripts (The Qur'an) is a heresy, and all heresies is false, every misguidance place in hell.
Source: "" Kaifa Yajibu 'Alaina An-Nufassirol Qur'an " 

 (by: Moslem Comunity)
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