Shaykh 'Abdul' Aziz ibn 'Abdillah Ash-Shaykh Alu rahimahullah

Ash-Shaykh, if allowed to lead prayers, people who smoke cigarettes and cut his beard?

Answer: "It was narrated from the Prophet Shollallahu 'alaihi wasallam:

اجعلوا من أئمتكم خياركم فإنهم وفدكم فيما بينكم وبين الله

"Make as priests you the most good of you, because they make up for you and the God. "

If the priest is a bad person, cigarette addict, isbal and cut his beard, how can he lead the prayers?. So shall it (priests) for the pious to God and know the glory position of imams (prayer) and must also stay away from it for all cases that proscribed whether or not he mengimami man. "

 (by: Moslem Comunity)
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