Lajnah Daa'imah asked: Shaykh Muhammad Zakaria rahimahullah including the most famous scholars in India and Pakistan, particularly in the environment jama'ah tabligh. He has several papers, including the book "al-a'mal fadha'il", which this book discusses religion among jama'ah tabligh. The members of this jama'ah believe this book as "authentic Bukhari" and I was with them. While reading this book, I found many stories narrated, which is sometimes difficult to be understood and believed. Therefore, I send to you guys for the institution to provide a way out of this problem.

Among these stories is the story narrated by Sayyid Ahmad Rifa'i, where he said: when she finished perform the pilgrimage, he too visited the grave Prophet upon him blessings while chanting the following verses of poetry and stand in front of the tomb of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam saying :

في حالة البعد روحي كنت أرسلها. . . . . . . . . . تقبل الأرض عني وهي نائبتي

وهذه دولة الأشباح قد حضرت. . . . . .. . . .. فامدد يمينك كي تحظى بها شفتي

I let my spirit

Earth received it and he be my successor

This is the land of people who have attended

Stretch out your hand to my lips got part of it

After reading these verses, come out the right hand Apostle sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, then I will kiss him. (Al-Hawi, As-Suyuti).

And he mentioned that there Ninety thousand Muslims who have seen this great event, and they glorified by visiting the hand that has the blessing it. Among them was Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani rahimahullah.Yang time it was in glorious Nabawi mosque is a building that inggi.Maka related to this story, I want to ask you:

1. Whether this has an origin story, or no substance?

2. What do you think about the book "Al-Hawi" by As-Suyuti, where he establishes the existence of this story?

3. If this story is not true, if allowed to pray behind the imam who narrates this story and believe the truth?

4. Is it permissible to read books like this in the study of religion in the mosques? Lajnah answer:

هذه القصة باطلة لا أساس لها من الصحة; لأن الأصل في الميت نبيا كان أم غيره أنه لا يتحرك في قبره بمد يد أو غيرها, فما قيل من أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أخرج يده للرفاعي أو غيره غير صحيح, بل هو وهم وخيال لا أساس له من الصحة, ولا يجوز تصديقه, ولم يمد يده صلى الله عليه وسلم لأبي بكر ولا عمر ولا غيرهما من الصحابة فضلا عن غيرهم, ولا يغتر بذكر السيوطي لهذه القصة في كتابه: (الحاوي); لأن السيوطي في مؤلفاته كما قال العلماء عنه: حاطب ليل يذكر الغث والسمين, ولا تجوز الصلاة خلف من يعتقد صحة هذه القصة لأنه مصدق بالخرافات ومختل العقيدة, ولا تجوز قراءة كتاب (فضائل أعمال) وغيره مما يشتمل على الخرافات والحكايات المكذوبة على الناس في المساجد أو غيرها; لما في ذلك من تضليل الناس ونشر الخرافات بينهم.

نسأل الله عز وجل أن يوفق المسلمين لمعرفة الحق والعمل به إنه سميع مجيب. وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه.

"This is the story of the falsehood that there is no basis for truth at all, because the legal origin of people who died, whether he is a prophet or not that he was not moving in the grave, whether by sticking his hand or the other. As mentioned that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam out his hand to Rifa'i or the other, it is not true. In fact this is an illusion that there is no foundation of truth, and should not justify it. The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam never reached out to Abu Bakr, Umar, nor other than the two from among the friend, even more than mereka.Jangan Suyuti also fooled by the mention of this story in his book (Al-Hawi), because Suyuti in his writings of the scholars mentioned: hathibul Lail (search firewood at night) 1, he mentions that skinny and the fat, and not allowed to pray behind the people who believe in the truth of this story because he believes it contemplates the superstition and there is damage in akidahnya, and no human being should also read to the book "al-a'mal fadha'il" and the other of the book that contains a variety of superstition and false stories in the mosques or the other, because such a cause and spread of human tersesatnya case superstition among them.

We appeal to God for giving bright way Azza wajalla to the Muslims to know the truth and practice it. Verily He hears and maha maha Viewing. Greetings and blessings poured out in our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, his family and his companions.

Lajnah Daa'imah for scientific discussion and fatwa

Chairman: Abdul Aziz bin Sheikh Abdillah Alus

Members: * Abdullah Ghudayyan, · Saleh al-Fauzan, Bakr Abu Zayd,

(Committee Daa'imah Fatwa No.: 21 412) 
Moslem Comunity
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