Every believer must be given a test by Allah Subhanahu wata'ala. Exams are a variety of forms, according to the conditions and levels of one's faith. Exams can be fun and could also be the trouble. And one of the forms of the test is someone with a disease which is undermining him.
As Allah Subhanahu wata'ala mentioned in surah Al-'Ankabut paragraphs 1 to 3, that the wisdom given to the believers is the test to find out [1] who is honest and who lies in the recognition of their faith.
Likewise, when sick, a person of faith would be tested the level of honesty and sound belief. It is unfortunate, it turns out there are still many violations occur shari'ah committed by people who were crushed by the disease. Among them there are who do not receive even reject the destiny of God is he felt it. In fact, some say, and claim that God is not fair to him, God wrongdoer to him, and so on, na'udzubillah dzalik min. There is also an impatient and desperate with the situation so that he really wished to die immediately pick him up. And some are even daring to attempt suicide in the hope his suffering to end. This all shows the weakness of faith and less honest he pledges his faith in them.
Then how the guidance of a noble and perfect shari'ah is in dealing with issues like that? Solution to what should be done by every servant who claimed to believe in Allah 'Azza wajalla, His Messenger and the final day when hit by a disease for the faith and doctrinal camps has always maintained? So this time, God willing, we will center the to you, how shari'ah guide you about the attitude that should be done by someone who is experiencing pain that he described as an honest man of faith and sound belief. Among these attitudes are [2]:
1. He should feel pleased with the will and decree of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala it, be patient with him and be kind to Allah Subhanahu wata'ala thought with what she felt. Because all he received was the best thing that Allah Subhanahu wata'ala give him. This is the attitude of a believer in Allah and His Messenger with true faith. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
عجبا لأمر المؤمن إن أمره كله خير وليس ذاك لأحد إلا للمؤمن إن أصابته سراء شكر فكان خيرا له وإن أصابته ضراء صبر فكان خيرا له
"It is amazing the affairs of a believer, because every business is a form of kindness. And it is not obtained in circumstances like this, except in self-believer. When he got the joy, he was immediately grateful. So it is good for him. And when she get her patient distress. So it is good for him. "(Narrated by Muslim from ibn Sinan Shuhaib Companions radi 'anhu)
He also said:
لا يموتن أحدكم إلا وهو يحسن بالله الظن
"Let not any one of you die except in the circumstances he was kind enough thought to God." (Narrated by Muslim from the Companions Jabir bin 'Abdillah radi' anhuma)
2. Should he have the attitude of the king '(hope on the grace of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala) and sense khauf (fear and anxiety of Allah Subhanahu adzab wata'ala)
أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم دخل على شاب وهو في الموت فقال كيف تجدك قال والله يا رسول الله أني أرجو الله وإني أخاف ذنوبي فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يجتمعان في قلب عبد في مثل هذا الموطن إلا أعطاه الله ما يرجو وآمنه مما يخاف
"Once when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam once came to a young man who was ill. then he asked him: "How are you?" The young man replied: "By Allah O Messenger of Allah, I really crave mercy of God and I fear the punishment of God because of my sins." And then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "It is not two properties are there on a servant who in circumstances like this, but God will give her what she expects and will provide security with what he feared. "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah from the Companions Anas ibn Malik radi 'anhu .)
3. It is forbidden for him to expect death immediately pick him up when his illness was increasingly becoming worse and worse.
أأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم دخل على العباس وهو يشتكي فتمنى الموت فقال يا عباس يا عم رسول الله لا تتمن الموت إن كنت محسنا تزداد إحسانا إلى إحسانك خير لك وإن كنت مسيئا فإن تؤخر تستعتب خير لك فلا تتمن الموت قال يونس وإن كنت مسيئا فإن تؤخر تستعتب من إساءتك خير لك
"Once when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam went to his uncle' Abbas who are ill. He complained and wished death to come pick him up immediately. Then he said to him: "O my uncle, do not expect death to come. If you are a good person, then you can add your own good, and it is good for you. But if you are a lot of people make mistakes, then you can deny it and fix your mistake, and it is good for you. so do not expect to be dead. "(Narrated by Ahmad and al-Hakim of Umm al-Fadhl shahabiyyah radi 'anha)
But when it turns out he can not be patient and have to do it, then he should say:
اللهم أحيني ما كانت الحياة خيرا لي وتوفني إذا كانت الوفاة خيرا لي
"O Allah quicken me when life was better for me. And I turn it off if death is better for me. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim from Anas ibn Malik radi Companions' anhu)
4. Should he die intestate when feeling was close to be prepared and carried out the maintenance of his body later in accordance with the guidance of Shari'ah and not perform acts of heresy. This is a form of practice the word of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا قوا أنفسكم وأهليكم نارا
"O those who believe guard yourselves and your families from hell fire." (At-Tahrim: 6)
And there are many stories of the companions of their intestate with this when he was dying immediately pick him up. One is the story of Hudhayfah Companions radi 'anhu had when he was dying intestate is close. He said:
إذا مت فلا تؤذنوا بي إني أخاف أن يكون نعيا فإني سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ينهى عن النعي
"If I die, do not you announce it. I fear that the act was included na'i (announced the death of a prohibited as do the people jaahiliyyah), because I heard the Messenger of Allah forbade such na'i deeds. "(Narrated by At-Tirmidhi)
Al-Imam Al-Nawawi said in his book rahimahullah Al-Adzkar: "Highly recommended for a Muslim to make one's will to his family for leaving the habit or custom which is of various forms of heresies in the administration of the corpse. And should he stressed that problems. "
Allaah knows best.
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