Saturday, June 28, 2003 - 10:14:46:: Fiqh category
Author: Ustad Ahmad Hamdani
In Syawwal, Muslims rejoice with the coming days Iedul Fitr. Today was a day or days of prohibiting breaking fast as the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

عن بريدة قال: كان النبي  لا يغدو يوم الفطر حتى يأْكُل ولا يأْكُل يوم الأضحى حتى يرجع.) رواه الترمذي رقم 245, وأحمد 33 و 44, وابن ماجه باب 49, والدارمي باب 217, والحاكم في المستدرك 1 / 294 وصحيحه, والطيلس رقم 811 , نيل الأوطار 3 / 355, وصحيحه ابن القحطان (
From Buraidah he said: "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not go (Eid prayer) on the feast of Eid until he eat and not eat at the feast of Adlha until he got home." (Narrated by Tirmidhi 245 number, Ahmad numbers 33 and 44, Ibn Majah chapter 49, Ad Darimi chapter 217, Al-Hakim in Al Mustadrak 1 / 294, he said is authentic, Ath Thayalisi number 811, Nailul Authar by Ash Syaukani juz 3 page 355, this hadeeth saheeh by Ibn al Qahthan)

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never go on holiday Eid before he ate a few seeds of dates and he used to eat it with an odd number.

It is advisable to start eating some dates seeds as practiced by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

عن أنس  قال: كان النبي  لايغدو يوم الفطر حتَّى يأْكُل تمرات ويأكلهن وترا.) رواه البخاري 2 / 21, ومسند أحمد بن حنبل 3 / 353, وتغليق تعليق 389, واعملى الشجرى 2 / 39, وفتح الباري 2 / 466, ومعجمل الكبير الطبراني 2 / 276
From Anas radliyallahu 'anhu, who said: "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam never go on the day of Eid Iedul so he ate some beans and he ate dates with an odd number." (Narrated by Bukhari 2 / 21, Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal 3 / 353, Sunanul Kubra 3 / 282, Misykatul Mashabih 1433, Syarhus Sunnah 306, Taghliq Ta'liq 389, Amali As Syajari 2 / 39, Fathul Bari 2 / 466, and Mu'jamul Kabir by At Thabrani 2 / 276) 

Imam As San'ani said, Muhallab said: "Wisdom eat before the prayer was for there is no allegation that fasting is still going to Eid prayer was held. This is to prevent any possibility that is not good. "

Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani said that wisdom was ordered to eat dates because the sweetness of nutritious reinforce the view that weakened by fasting and it matches the sweetness of faith, softened feeling, and this is better than another. Therefore, partially ordered tabi'in break with sweet things like honey absolutely. He also said: "Wisdom eat dates with an odd number (ie one seed) gave a signal to the oneness of Allaah." (Subulus Salam, Imam As San'ani page 136)

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered each meal read basmalah as said by Umar ibn Salamah radliyallahu' anhuma, he said:
عن عمر بن سلمة رضي االلهَ عنهما قال: قال لي رسول االله:  سم االلهَ وكل بيمينك.) رواه البخاري 1 / 521 و مع الفتح 523, ومسلم 2 / 22 (
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to me: "Call it the name of God when eating and start with your right hand." (Narrated by Bukhari 1 / 521 and 523 in Fathul Bari, Muslim 2 / 22)

عن عائشة رضي االلهُ عنْها قالت: قال رسول االله  إذا أَكل أحدكم طعاما فليَذكر اسم االله في أوله. فإن نسي أن يذكر اسم االله تعالى في أوله فليَقل بسم االله أولَه وآخره.) رواه أبو داود 3767, والترمذي 1920, والنسائي في عمل اليوم والليلة 281, وأحمد 6 / 207 - 208, والدارمي 2 / 94, والبيهقي 7 / 289, والحاكم 4 / 158, وصحيحه سالم عيد الهلالي في صحيح الأذكار وضعيف الأذكار (
From Aisha radliyallahu 'anha, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "If any one of you eat, call the name of God in the beginning. If you've forgotten the name of Allah in the beginning then pronounce Bismillahi awwalahu akhirahu wa. "(Saheeh hadeeth to support other hadeeth, 3767 issued by Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi, 1920, An Nasa'i in Amalul Yaumi wal Lailah 281, Ahmad 6 / 207 -208, Ad Darimi 2 / 94, Al Bayhaqi 7 / 289, and Al Hakim 4 / 158, saheeh by Shaikh Salim al-Hilali).

In the saheeh hadeeth issued by Abu Dawood from Aisha, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
عن عائشة رضي االلهُ عنْها قالت: قال رسول االله  إذا أَكل أحدكم طعاما فليَذكر اسم االله. فإن نسي في أوله فليَقل بسم االله في أوله وآخره.) رواه أبو داود 3 / 447, والترمذي 4 / 288, وانظر في صحيح الترمذي 2 / 127 (

"If any one of you should read bismillah eat food. If not forget at the outset should read Bismillahi wa fi awwalihi akhirihi. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood 3 / 447, Tirmidhi 4 / 288, and see Saheeh Tirmidhi 2 / 127)
Al Imam An Nawawi said: "The scholars agree sunna reading bismillah at the beginning of the meal. If not read bismillah since forgotten, accidental, or unable to speak because there is something in the way and remain in a state of eating, then disunnahkan to read Bismillahi awwalahu akhirahu or Bismillahi wa wa fi awwalihi akhirihi as already mentioned in the above hadith.

Pronunciation basmalah in drinking water, milk, honey, sauce, and other drinks just like when eating food. Shafi'i madhhab clerics and others suspect the Sunnah his voice when reading basmalah to warn others and to be an example for others. Allaah knows best. "(Al Adzkar, Al-Imam An Nawawi page 334)
Sometimes the food served to us less inviting taste, then let us not censure him. If you like it then eat it and if do not like should be silent, as mentioned by Abu Hurayrah radliyallahu 'anhu:

عن أبي هريرة  قال: ما عاب رسول االله  طعاما قط, إن استَهاه أَكَله وإن كرهه تركَه. وفي رواية مسلم: وإن لم يشتَه سكت.) رواه البخاري مع الفتح ومسلم 547 2564 (
"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never denounced the food at all. If he likes, he ate it and if it is not like they abandoned. "In the history of Muslims:" If you like it, eat it, if you do not like him still. "(Narrated by Bukhari in Bari Fath numbers 2564 numbers 547 and Muslim)

But allowed to say, "I do not like this food or I'm not used to eat this food" when invited to eat as in the hadith about dlab (lizard) when the Companions serve iguana grill the meat. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam touch. Companions said: "That's monitor lizard meat, Messenger of Allah!" Then he immediately raised his hands in disgust. Then Khalid said: "What lizard meat haram, Messenger of Allah?" He said: "No, he's not in the county." (Narrated by Bukhari in Fathul Bari 9 / 543 and Muslim number 1945 of Khalid bin Al Walid radliyallahu 'anhu)
Ordered also praised the food you eat.
عن جابر  قال: أن النبي  سأل أهله الأدم فقالوا ما عندنا إلا خل فدعا به فجعل يأْكل منه ويَكول: نعم الأدم الخل.) رواه مسلم في صحيحه 1431 و 1433 (
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam asked for side dishes to his wife. They said: "We only have vinegar." Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered take it then eat it and say: "The best side dish is vinegar." (Released by Muslim in his Saheeh, numbers 1431 and 1433)
If we happen to visit the homes of friends or relatives and get a treat, are encouraged to pray to the host with the prayer:

اللهم بارك لهم فيما رزقتَهم واغفرلَهم وارحمهم.) رواه مسلم 3 / 1615 (
"O Allah, give the blessing (goodness constant) for them (the host) on what you rizkikan for them. Forgive and pity them. "(Narrated by Muslim, 3 / 1615)
Similarly ordered to give blessings to those who gave alms property. (See Tafseer Ibn Katheer letter of At-Tauba verse 103)
عن عبد االله ابن أوفى قال: كان رسول االله  إذا أتاه قوم بصدقتهم قال: اللهم صل عليهم. فأَتاه أبي أبو أوفى بصدقته فقال: اللهم صل على آل أبى أوفى.) رواه مسلم 1078 في مختصر صحيح مسلم (
From Aufa bin Abi Abdillah said that if a people come to him to give alms, he prayed: "O Allah, grant blessings (ie, forgive them)." Then my father - Abu Aufa - bring alms to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Last Prophet said: "O Allah, grant blessings on Ali (family) Abi Aufa." (Narrated by Muslim, 1078). Ali Aufa namely Abu Aufa own. (See Mukhtasar 757 pages Sharh Saheeh Muslim, Imam An Nawawi)
When finished meal was ordered to pray:
الحمد لله كثيرا طيِّبا فيه غير مكفي ولا مودع ولا مستَغنًى عنه ربُّنا.) رواه البخاري عن أبي أمامة (
"Praise be that much, either, and blessing for God. You are feeding are not fed, a place to ask and expect. O God, Thou art the Essence of which do not require praise. "(Narrated by Bukhari from Abi Umaamah, issued by An Nawawi in Al Adzkar tahqiq Abdul Qadir Al Arnauth, page 339)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Whoever after dinner to say:
الحمد لله الذي أطعمني هذا ورزقنيه من غير حول مني ولا قوة غفرله ما تقدم من ذنبه.) رواه الترمذي وقال: حديث حسن; انظر في صحيح الترمذي 3 / 159 (
"Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah) who has to feed and grace without effort and strength from me. 'And it shall be forgiven his sin that has passed." (Narrated by Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah from Muadz bin Anas radliyallahu' anhu, Tirmidhi said: "This hadeeth hasan." See Saheeh Tirmidhi 3 / 159)
That the prayers before and after eating and drinking is taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to diamalkan as the worship of Allaah and the embodiment of gratitude to Him who has given us pleasure in the form of food and beverages.
Allahu Ta'ala knows best.
Maraji ':
1. Al Adzkar. Imam An Nawawi Abdul Qadir Al Arnauth tahqiq.
2. Al Adzkar Shahihu Dlaif wa Al Adzkar An Nawawi. Shaikh Salim Eid Al Hilali.
3. Tafsir Qur'anul Adhim. Ibn Kathir.
4. Nailul Authar. Al-Imam Ash Syaukani.
5. Subulus Salam. Al-Imam Ash San'ani.
6. Mukhtasar Sharh Saheeh Muslim. Al Imam An Nawawi.
7. Hishnul Muslim. Said bin Ali bin Al Qahthan Wahf.

(Quoted from the magazine edition SALAFY XIV/SYAWWAL/1417/1997/DOA, writing Ustadz Ahmad al-Hamdani). 
 (by: Moslem Comunity)
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